1. Hello Fangaming Collection
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Synopsis: Join Mario and Luigi on their adventure in this ten year anniversary collection! This collection includes an assortment of remastered levels handpicked from a wide variety of fangames released by Hello Fangaming between 2006-2016.
2. Hello Fangaming Collection - Mario Fan Games Galaxy
25 aug 2015 · Join Mario and Luigi on their adventure in this ten year anniversary collection! This collection includes an assortment of remastered levels ...
3. Hello Fangaming Collection - Mario Fan Games Galaxy Wiki
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Hello Fangaming Collection is an platformer developed by Hello, which celebrates the tenth anniversary of the release of his first fangame. It features a collection of levels chosen from older fangames that were released between 2006 and 2016. The chosen levels were recreated with new level themes such as cherry tree grove and water purification plant, for example. Additionally, the game includes towns populated with Toads which talk about all of Hello's previous games, and collectable game discs which represent Hello's older games. The levels are presented on a non-linear world map, where you are given a few choices on what path to take, and the game does not include a defined end.
4. Hello Mario Engine - Create Your Own Mario Game! - Hello Fangaming
Hello Mario Engine is an open source Mario engine that you can use with GameMaker: Studio for free to create your own Mario games.
5. Isekai Mario by Hello Fangaming - Itch.io
Collect over a hundred power stars across multiple scenarios, customize your character's look and voice, summon for hundreds of new anime characters to play as, ...
The Ultimate Anime Crossover
6. Hello Fangaming Collection - Creation Corner - SMW Central
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Forum Index → Donut Plains → Creation Corner → Hello Fangaming Collection
7. List of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS quotes
14 nov 2024 · This is a list of quotes from the games Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS. This list includes what each character says to Mario (or Luigi, Wario and Yoshi).
This is a list of quotes from the games Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS. This list includes what each character says to Mario. Most of the quotes in the DS version are the same as the original game, while others are modified or never appeared...
8. Top games tagged Fangame and Level Editor - itch.io
Find games tagged Fangame and Level Editor like Crash Bandicoot - Back In Time, Shroom Editor, Mario Editor, Super Mario Studio, Tanks: The Crusades on ...
Find games tagged Fangame and Level Editor like Crash Bandicoot - Back In Time, Shroom Editor, Mario Editor, Super Mario Studio, Baldi's Basics Plus 2D on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
9. OpenRA - Classic strategy games rebuilt for the modern era
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Classic strategy games rebuilt for the modern era
10. Cognitive Dissonance (2.0 Remake) « Fan Games and Programs «
It's in the barracks “building” on the top of the ship with all the hyberpods in it. Posted over 7 years ago. Quote Icon Quote · Permalink Icon ... Hello! Sorry for the small bump, but I've been replaying this game again and have come across ...
Of all the endings, the severance ending is pretty much the best one. The other endings are either incomplete or a little flawed (IN MY OPINION)